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Aging with Amazon
An AI system evolves by tracking and learning from human choices and behaviors over their lifetimes.
10 Weeks
Nature of the project
Team Work

UX Design | Service Design | Industrial Design | Journey Mapping 

Design Researcher, Service Designer, UX/UI Designer, Product Designer

We approach an era where digital nativity becomes universal.

How might Amazon best support customers to age alongside technology at home?

Part I  Secondary & Primary Research

1.1 Exploring the Digital Frontier: Kick-off Research for "Aging with Amazon"

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Embarking on "Aging with Amazon," we've initiated an in-depth research phase, analyzing competitors, assessing trends, and studying real-life examples. Our goal is to align Amazon's offerings with the evolving needs of customers as they grow older, making their homes havens of digital comfort and convenience. This is our first step toward a future where everyone can thrive with technology.

1.2 Amazon's Digital Landscape: A Vast Ecosystem Engineered for Scale, Diversity, and Effortless User Engagement

Amazon's ecosystem maps showcase a vast network centered on 2C e-commerce, with a customer-first approach and scaling as the strategic goal. The model radiates from core B2C transactions, extending geographically and across market segments to encompass all aspects of user experiences.

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1.3 Insights Uncovered: Screening, Stakeholder Interviews, and Affinitization in "Aging with Amazon"

Advancing 'Aging with Amazon,' we conducted thorough screenings and in-depth interviews with stakeholders, leading to the organization of data into affinity groups. This meticulous approach revealed key insights, shaping our approach to develop an Amazon experience that champions inclusivity and ease of use. We're committed to creating a digital environment that gracefully accommodates aging, ensuring our users can navigate technology with confidence.

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Part II  Identify & Define

2.1 Strategic Mapping: Uncovering Opportunities for "Aging with Amazon"

Embarking on 'Aging with Amazon,' we've pinpointed pivotal opportunities through our research, establishing four strategic pillars:

  • Transform: We aim to revolutionize entertainment and gaming, shift aging narratives, and elevate tech fluency.

  • Expand: We're committed to bolstering safety, security, health, and the effortless melding of technology into daily life.

  • Create: Our goal is to build an environment of inclusivity, heightened tech literacy, and personal enrichment.

  • Reduce: We strive to decrease reliance on assistance, energy consumption, electronic waste, screen time, and the intricacy of technology.

These pillars serve as our compass in advancing digital inclusivity, steering us toward shaping an Amazon experience that's accessible and enjoyable for users at every stage of life.

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2.2 Archetypes Unveiled: Shaping "Aging with Amazon" Around User Personas

In our "Aging with Amazon" initiative, we've identified three user archetypes:

  • The Dragonfly: Enthusiasts who embrace technology to elevate their lifestyle and home environment.

  • The Butterfly: Goal-oriented users who harness technology for career advancement and social connectivity.

  • The Phoenix: Resilient individuals who adapt technology to overcome challenges and enhance their daily comfort.

Part III  Ideate & Sketch

3.1 Innovating for Impact: Ideation, Storyboarding, and Concept Prioritization in "Aging with Amazon"

Advancing our "Aging with Amazon" project, we've generated many innovative ideas through creative brainstorming. We've transformed these ideas into storyboards to visualize their impact. Working alongside our clients, we've prioritized and selected the most promising concepts, aiming to enhance the Amazon ecosystem for users of all ages significantly.

Part IV  Concept Refinement through Renewed Research

4.1 Enhancing Precision: Reassessing Research for Superior Concept Development in 'Aging with Amazon

Iterative Refinement through Research" - In this phase of our project, we return to our foundational research, drawing on both primary and secondary sources. This reflective practice, informed by our initial concept ideation, is crucial for honing these ideas into practical, impactful, and user-focused solutions. Our dedication to perpetual enhancement is the cornerstone of our strategy to develop an Amazon experience that is welcoming and accessible to users across the lifespan.

Part V  Outcome
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